

Jajah is VOIP service that has pretty much nailed it. It has got ridden of the only thing that prevented VOIP to turning massive in previous services like Skype: talking trough a headset.

With Jajah you just activate the call through the web and use your ordinary phone or mobile to inititate the conversation.

It has cheap rates and even free calls between active European and US users. How cool can it be? Enough typing SMS in the tiny keyboard, with Jajah you just type in the computer and send it at a competitive rate.

My abroad friends, here I come. You will have to bear my conversation from now on.


Itunes hits the Movies

It seems that Itunes hit the right spot with its switch to movies. Disney alone made 1 million $ out of movie sales in the first week alone.

"Clearly customers are saying to us they want content in multiple ways," said Disney chief executive Robert Iger.

How could anyone watch a movie in such tiny screen is beyond my wits. Cool-factor? Better say, Eye-strain factor.



Microsoft dash at the Ipod is taking shape. They have an appetizer web up and now they promise "music sharing". Of course it will be sharing a la Microsoft, which means DRM and perishable songs.

It will have 30GB storage and wireless functionality for Zune-to-Zune sharing of music, pictures and home recordings; and a built-in FM tuner (The one thing apple didn't get right).

I'm not sure it will succeed. Microsoft is not associated with cool rhythms, but rather the beeps of Windows alerts and help windows.


Facebook open

It was only for U.S. college students, but now it's opening up to other milieus. High School students and employees of certain corporations are allowed to join. Facebook also allows users to complement their their high school, college or corporate network with a geographic network.

What will succeed in social networking? Geographic networks or social-class networks? It's an old debate: extraction Vs education, local allegiances Vs global identities.